On the 2nd of May 2021, 90 days after the coup in Myanmar, protests and marches have been organised all around the world. This is Brisbane Australia Global Spring Myanmar Revolution protest.

The military has staged a coup in Myanmar on the 1st of February. They have jailed the elected president, ministers, elected members of parliament, journalists and people who protested. Arrested people die in custody under torture. Myanmar is now a country without newspapers. Internet has been shut down. The military doesn’t control the country. The elected members of parliament who have a mandate of 83% of the population, have declared an inclusive National Unity Goverment. For the first time in Myanmar history it includes representatives of the ethnic groups who have been fighting for autonomy for decades. The NUG is drafting a new federal constitution and will form a federal army.
IT IS TIME the international community
1 recognises the NUG
2 stops the flow of cash to the military junta
3- makes the military junta accountable for their crimes #whatshappeninginmyarnmar
#onephotoadayformyanmar to keep Myanmar (Burma) at the forefront of the news. Silence is the best ally of the military junta.
Recommended reading www.irrawaddy.com/