Prepare for your Baby Photography Session

Here is some helpful information to prepare and help ensure everything runs smoothly on the day.

Sleepy babies make better models

I ask parents to try keeping baby awake for the hour before I am due to arrive. If all fails, I suggest a bath. The sleepier he is the smoother the session will be and the better the outcome.

Play for an hour or two before and feed the baby so he is quiet and calm and asleep

Feeding just before I am due to your home is advisable and I know babies have a mind and schedule of their own so if that doesn’t work out that’s fine. It’s just ideal for him to eat, relax and have a full tummy when we start.

Naked babies are more comfortable…

After the last feed, baby can be undressed with a nappy or dressed in something that doesn’t need to go over the head. He can even be wrapped up in a blanket. Outfits with logos or fussy outfits are very cute but don’t photograph well as they can bunch up and look uncomfortable, so simple is best.

Warm the room

I usually use the master bedroom for baby sessions as the bed is big and it’s usually the room with the best window light. Keeping this room warm will ensure that baby will be comfortable for longer. I will do my best to help keep baby settled and comfortable during the time that I’m photographing him. However, long before you do all of this .


To avoid missing out on your newborn session please get in touch with me now if you are expecting your baby in the next few months – +61 419912404.

The whole purpose is to have a session in which the baby sleeps well, the parents are relaxed, and we all leave the session feeling excited about the entire process.